How To Water Your Plants?


One of the most important and tricky tasks while taking care of plants is to water them. And, negligence in this can affect the plant’s health severely and can even result in death. Therefore, every plant parent must know how to water plants. 

The answer to this question is also very tricky as not every plant has the same watering or other needs. So to help you get familiar with the basics of watering plants here are some important things -

Important Factors To Keep In Mind - 

There are a lot of things that one needs to keep in mind while watering plants and that varies on the basis of the plant’s species. However, there are some general practices that you can follow which are suitable for almost all plants -

1. Timing

When you are watering plants is an important factor to consider. It is generally recommended to water plants early in the morning or in the evening to prevent transpiration due to sunlight exposure.

2. Water Quantity

The exact amount of water that is required by each plant is different. However, you can follow a general practice of watering plants when the top layer of the soil feels dry. And, if you have potted plants, water them until the pot starts to leak from the bottom.

3. Watering Methods

You can water plants by using a variety of different methods. Some of the most common and easy watering methods are -

  • Top Watering - It is the most common way of watering plants as it ensures adequate and even watering.

  • Bottom Watering - This is a recommended method for plants that don’t like to have wet foliage. 

  • Misting - For plants that thrive in high humidity, misting is recommended. Generally, tropical plants are the ones benefiting from misting.

  • Automatic Drip Irrigation - This is the most effective way to save water and is generally recommended for gardens and busy plant parents who can’t keep track of the watering needs of their plants.

4. Water Type

Different types of water have different effects on plants. For example, softened or bottled water is chemically processed and can affect the health of plants. So, it is recommended to use tap water instead. 

Likewise, underground hard water has a mineral excess which can also harm the growth of the plants. 

Signs to look for in plants while watering -

For many new plant parents, it becomes difficult to tell if their plants are being watered properly or not. Therefore one must know the signs that almost all plants show when they are being watered inadequately. Such as -

  • Yellow or brown discoloration of the plant foliage.

  • Droopy or weak foliage.

  • Rotting in roots.

  • Stunted plant growth.

  • Wilting in plants.


Every plant parent should be familiar with the basics of watering plants and once you do that, with time, you get used to the practice of watering plants and gradually you’ll become familiar with the needs of different plants. 

To Know More About Watering Plants and Different Tools You Can Use to Water Plants Continue Reading Here -


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