Top Air-Purifying Plants To Keep The Air Clean And Healthy

Many studies suggest that there are many reliable indoor air-purifying plants that can clean and detoxify indoor air significantly. NASA also conducted similar studies and got reliable results. Indoor plants can help you keep the air inside your home clean and healthy. This also contributes greatly to your health.

Air-purifying plants can beautify your homes with their unique and attractive foliage while also improving the air quality of your home. So let’s explore these amazing plants that you can easily grow.

Best Air-Purifying Plants:

Indoor air-purifying plants are generally hardy and require low maintenance, so they are a great option for beginners trying out indoor gardening.

English Ivy:

English Ivy is one of the well-known indoor air-purifying plants. These perennial plants are very easy to grow and also have vining ability. English ivy is reliable in removing many hard toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, and much more from the air.

These plants require at least 4 hours of direct sunlight daily and regular watering, other than that these plants are easy to grow and easy to train for climbing. 

Snake Plant:

The snake plant is a common indoor plant famous for its sword-like upright foliage which is very attractive. These air-purifying plants are very resilient and can even survive in low-light conditions and infrequent watering. 

Also known as mother-in-law’s tongue these plants also help remove harmful toxins from the air and also release oxygen at night so they are a great option for bedrooms.


These beautiful blooming plants produce gorgeous flowers while also helping to remove harmful pollutants from the air. These air-purifying plants are proven to remove toxins such as benzene and ammonia which are very harmful.

However, these plants are toxic to pets. Chrysanthemums bloom for six weeks and only purify air in that period.

Spider Plants:

Spider plants are also known for their unique cascading foliage. These air-purifying plants can grow big so they might need more space than other plants. However, there are many small varieties that can be grown in hanging baskets.

These plants help remove toxins like carbon monoxide and xylene. Moreover, these plants are non-toxic to pets so they are pet-friendly plants and very easy to grow.

Boston Fern:

Boston ferns are humidity-loving plants and need to be kept consistently moist under indirect sunlight. In return, these plants help to remove many toxins and also increase the humidity levels of indoor air.

Furthermore, the lush green foliage of Boston fern can be a great addition to your indoor gardens.

Peace lily:

The peace lily is another attractive flowering plant. These air-purifying plants are famous indoor plants because of their low needs, beautiful foliage, and air-cleaning ability. However, these plants are toxic to pets so you need to keep your pets in check around these plants.

Peace lily can survive occasional droughts however its leaves will turn brown if not watered for too long. So keep the soil consistently moist and place the plant under bright and indirect sunlight to help it reach optimal growth and plant care. Moreover, these plants are toxic to both humans and pets.

Rubber Plant:

These low-maintenance indoor plants are very hardy and contribute greatly to removing harmful toxins from the air. Rubber plants are great air-purifying plants that are famous for their striking look.

These plants can easily enhance the look of any desk or windowsill, however, these plants are toxic to pets so make sure to keep them away from these plants.

The Future of Air-Purifying Plants:

AIr-purifying plants are a great alternative to many expensive ventilation systems as they can clean air significantly and beautify your home. However, these indoor plants require regular care even if it's minimal and they can also pose a threat to your pets and children due to their toxicity.

However, many studies and research are being conducted by scientists to genetically modify these plants to create a more reliable and safe variety of air-purifying plants that you can easily grow at home.

Meanwhile, you can opt for any of the above-mentioned air-purifying plants and enjoy fresh and clean air in your home.


Air-purifying plants are a growing indoor plant choice for many plant lovers due to their attractive looks and air-cleaning benefits. Most of these plants are easy to grow and safe around children and pets. However, you need to do your research before selecting any plant.

For that, you should try Plantora-The Best Plant Care And Plant Identification App also available on IOS. This free-to-use plant care app can help you get all the information you need about any plant. Moreover, you can also rely on Plantora for any of your plant care queries. This app offers a complete plant care guide and helps you achieve the optimal growth and health of your plants.


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